What most of the experts skip...


. Avoid 'Overburn CD' option when Writing to any CD. Sometimes the data may not be read.

Oldest Computers 1970’s  

Snapshot Different kinds of Oldest Computers



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What is the difference between ‘Dual Core’ and ‘Core2duo’  

This is the most confusing question looming around and bewildering most of the people. Check out the basic difference between them.



1. Dual core is NOT  a Processor. Its only processing technology.

2. Core2duo is THE processor. Pentium D, Core Duo, Core2Duo, Athlon X2 are other processors built with Dual Core technology.

So when you go for a processor, ask for a Coreduo or Core2duo NOT for a Dualcore processor. However Core2Duo is the advanced one than CoreDuo with 4MB Cache where as Coreduo has 2MB Cache.

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The small story of Ctrl+Alt+Del  

When all of a sudden the computer stops responding or in otherwords say gets hanged , the last resort we adapt is pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting the associate non-responding program to end it immediately.

In 1980, David Bradle was sitting infront of his computer and all of a sudden he faced this horrifying situation. Computer stopped responding. The only way to get it responding is to restart or switchof the power butten. He thought of coming with a small code so as to end the program with out shutting down the computer.The time taken for writing this code is 1 and half minute. Then afterwards Microsoft started using this code in its OS.

Ctrl+Alt+Del has become all time Super Hit command.


Cheers to David

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Auto closing the programs when Computer is being shutdown  

Some times we see that when the computer is being shutdown, it prompts with a warning message (the so and so program is running, whether to ‘End Now’ or ‘Cancel’ ). 

To enable all these programs to end, while the system is being shutdown, implement this small registry tweak.

Go to Start->Run, type regedit and hit enter.

Then navigate to

Auto shutdown

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

Now to the right side of the window, right click on empty space and select

New->DWORD Value, give the name ‘AutoEndTasks’. Double click it to give the value 1.

Auto shutdown 1


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6 Ways to Back up your Blog Contents  


Check the following 6 ways to Back up your blog posts.


1. Blogger itlsef gives you the provision to back your blog posts. After signing into, go to settings->Basic and click export blog.

2. Blogger also provides a provision so as to send you the post right into your inbox whenever you update your blog. Go to settings –> Email –> Blogsend Address, enter your emailID, so that when ever you post a new one it will be sent to your emailID.

3. Open an account in wordpress and after logging into it goto Myaccount, you can import the blogspot posts. The only disadvantage is that you can't import the pictures. This can be separtely downloaded and saved.

4. If your blog was deleted accidently you can put a request to blogger besides check the cache by visiting go to and type

If your blog pages are seen then you save.

5. Use a free third party software called Blogger Backup Utility to download all the posts and comments in .xml format.

blogger back up

6. Use another third party free software called WinHTTrack to back all of your Blog contents including everything.

I presume, out of all these above methods, WinHTTrack is the best software and way to backup your entire blog contents.

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Just for Fun  


Try this small JavaScript hack.


javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true';document.designMode = 'on'; void 0

Copy the above line of command and paste into your browser ( before this open any web page ) and hit enter. Then see the fun. Now, you can EDIT any part of the web page, cut, copy, type can do all kinds of fun as if you are editing a Notepad or Wordpad.

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Drop down menu for BlogRoll  


Blogging Category

Here I shall give a small piece of code with which BlogRoll could be made to work as a dropdown menu.

dropdown box for blogroll

After logging into , go to Layout section, then click on Add a Gadget/Add a page element, and select it as HTML/JavaScript.

Now put the following code and Save it.

<form><select name="menu" onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')"
size=1 name=menu>
<option>- Your Title - </option>
<!-- change the links with your own -->

<option value="">Title One</option>

<option value="">Title second</option>

<option value="">Title Third</option>

<option value="">Blogger Widgets</option>



You need a small change to affect the whole story.  place your blog url in the above ‘’ like places

Now Check your blog in another window.

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Single Line Few Tiny Tips  


Single Line Tiny Tips
  • Nvidia GeForce 7950 GX2 is considered to be the most powerful Graphics Card available now
  • The printing will be with junk characters when the printer spooler file is corrupted
  • The System will boot slower with the absence of CMOS battery.
  • To identify security issues use the software X-Scan from
  • If the Laptop is left without any screensaver running, 50% of the battery will be consumed
  • If for any reason the CD/DVD tray doesnot open, then take a pin , pierce into the small tiny hole provided infront of the DC/DVD writer. The tray will be ejected.
  • Dont put speakers beside the monitor, since the magnets in the speakers will affect the colors in the monitor, duly reducing its life.
  • Always install the device drivers that comes with the USB devices first , then only connect the devices.
  • External TV Tuner Card cannot record the TV programs in the computer, the same thing can be done with Internal TV Tuner Card which is 3-5 times costlier than External TV Tuner Card.
  • Digital Zoom facility in the Digital Camera is useless, hence check for more options for Optical Zoom.

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How to improve BroadBand browsing speed with FireFox settings  

If you a have a BroadBand Connection make these small Firefox tweak and observe that the browsing speed is greatly improved.

Open the FireFox and in the address bar type about:config then hit enter.

Find these options and change as mentioned below the picture.

FireFox tweaks


Restart the FireFox and See the difference

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How to hide the HardDisk Partition Drives  


Here I would like to present you a small hack with which the Harddisk Partition Drives like C,D,E,F etc., can be hide so that  they can’t be accessible to any one.

1. Navigate to Start>Run  , type diskpart and hit enter



    At this command prompt a command can be given either to hide or

    unhide the drives, for example to hide the Volume D or Drive ‘D’


    DISKPART> select volume 4 remove letter D

   and hit enter


In the same way if the Drive is to be restored type

   DISKPART> select volume 4 assign letter D


Meet U agian with another Tip

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Block the unwanted sites without any third party software  


Generally to block unwanted sites being browsed in Offices or from children at home, third party softwares come to our rescue.  Here is a small procedure which does not require any kind of third party software.

Follow these simple steps.

1. Go to  C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


2. Right click the file Hosts and open with Notepad


3. You will find the       Localhost


Now add your List of sites to be blocked like the ones shown below.


Save the file. Now you are safe.

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Put Your name into the Start Button  


Want to put Your name on Start Button.

This free open source software ‘StartBtn Renamer’ will come at your rescue. And more over this is an open source program meaning you can modify as per your requirement with out any body’s consent.


Compatibility: Windows XP, Licence: Freeware

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Restore Original quality from JPEG file  



When any image from TIFF or BMP is converted to JPG, obviously the quality of file is affected. If again the JPG file is converted back to these images, the quality cannot be restored. It is obvious. But there is a way. Check this Software.

Unjpeg which runs almost on all Operating Systems does the job. It almost restores the quality of the file.

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Improve the Battery BackUp of Laptop  



As in these days the laptops have become cheaper the number of laptops being sold is becoming increasing day by day.

The major issue related to it is, the Battery Backup! Eventhough by following some simple procedures the Battery Backup can be extended to some extent.

1. Run only those applications on which you are working, the others close them.

2. If the Laptop is being run on Battery, Dim the screen lightly.

3. At the bottom of the Laptop, small tiny holes are provided for ventilation. See that proper ventilation is there.

4. Better avoid playing multimedia games, videos while the Laptop is being run on Battery.

5. Limit your devices connected to USB, so that the burden/load on CPU processor is reduced.

6. Do not Standby or Hibernate the Laptop.

7. Do not expose directly to the Sun.

8. Disable the Wireless LAN (WLAN) , Bluetooth services etc., when not used.

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How to bypass the Welcome Screen in Win 2000/XP  

welcome xp

To bypass the Welcome Screen in Win 2000/XP while booting,
goto Start>Run enter gpedit.msc and hit. Thereafter navigate to
Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>System>Logon
and look into the right side,
‘Don’tdisplay the Getting Started Welcome screen at logon’.
Double click it to make enabled.




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The Fastest Way of Searching Google - the WAY you WANT exactly  

Google Tips and Tricks the Best Graphical Help

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How to make the Pendrive read and write FASTER !  

There is a small tweak/tip to make the pendrive load QUICKLY
and affect the Read/Write MORE FASTER.

Open My Computer , right click the Pendrive drive and go to its properties.

Go to Hardware tab and select the Pendrive , click its properties.

A second pop up window will be opened, goto the Policies tab
and select the ‘Optimize for performance’. Click OK.

You’re done.

Now check the speed by copying with any data morethan 100MB.

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