What most of the experts skip...


. Avoid 'Overburn CD' option when Writing to any CD. Sometimes the data may not be read.

The small story of Ctrl+Alt+Del  

When all of a sudden the computer stops responding or in otherwords say gets hanged , the last resort we adapt is pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting the associate non-responding program to end it immediately.

In 1980, David Bradle was sitting infront of his computer and all of a sudden he faced this horrifying situation. Computer stopped responding. The only way to get it responding is to restart or switchof the power butten. He thought of coming with a small code so as to end the program with out shutting down the computer.The time taken for writing this code is 1 and half minute. Then afterwards Microsoft started using this code in its OS.

Ctrl+Alt+Del has become all time Super Hit command.


Cheers to David

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Auto closing the programs when Computer is being shutdown  

Some times we see that when the computer is being shutdown, it prompts with a warning message (the so and so program is running, whether to ‘End Now’ or ‘Cancel’ ). 

To enable all these programs to end, while the system is being shutdown, implement this small registry tweak.

Go to Start->Run, type regedit and hit enter.

Then navigate to

Auto shutdown

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

Now to the right side of the window, right click on empty space and select

New->DWORD Value, give the name ‘AutoEndTasks’. Double click it to give the value 1.

Auto shutdown 1


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