What most of the experts skip...


. Avoid 'Overburn CD' option when Writing to any CD. Sometimes the data may not be read.

6 Ways to Back up your Blog Contents  


Check the following 6 ways to Back up your blog posts.


1. Blogger itlsef gives you the provision to back your blog posts. After signing into, go to settings->Basic and click export blog.

2. Blogger also provides a provision so as to send you the post right into your inbox whenever you update your blog. Go to settings –> Email –> Blogsend Address, enter your emailID, so that when ever you post a new one it will be sent to your emailID.

3. Open an account in wordpress and after logging into it goto Myaccount, you can import the blogspot posts. The only disadvantage is that you can't import the pictures. This can be separtely downloaded and saved.

4. If your blog was deleted accidently you can put a request to blogger besides check the cache by visiting go to and type

If your blog pages are seen then you save.

5. Use a free third party software called Blogger Backup Utility to download all the posts and comments in .xml format.

blogger back up

6. Use another third party free software called WinHTTrack to back all of your Blog contents including everything.

I presume, out of all these above methods, WinHTTrack is the best software and way to backup your entire blog contents.

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Just for Fun  


Try this small JavaScript hack.


javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true';document.designMode = 'on'; void 0

Copy the above line of command and paste into your browser ( before this open any web page ) and hit enter. Then see the fun. Now, you can EDIT any part of the web page, cut, copy, type can do all kinds of fun as if you are editing a Notepad or Wordpad.

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Drop down menu for BlogRoll  


Blogging Category

Here I shall give a small piece of code with which BlogRoll could be made to work as a dropdown menu.

dropdown box for blogroll

After logging into , go to Layout section, then click on Add a Gadget/Add a page element, and select it as HTML/JavaScript.

Now put the following code and Save it.

<form><select name="menu" onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')"
size=1 name=menu>
<option>- Your Title - </option>
<!-- change the links with your own -->

<option value="">Title One</option>

<option value="">Title second</option>

<option value="">Title Third</option>

<option value="">Blogger Widgets</option>



You need a small change to affect the whole story.  place your blog url in the above ‘’ like places

Now Check your blog in another window.

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